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C a l e n d a r  o f  E v e n t s  2 0 1 6

March 18, 2016

South Central Regional Conference

College Music Society

Yeats Songs:

     A Drinking Song

    The Old Men Admiring Themselves in the Water

Andrew R. White, baritone

Valerie Cisler, piano
Midwestern State University

Wichita Falls, Texas


April 17, 2016, 3:00pm

Composers & Friends II Concert

NACUSA, San Francisco Chapter

Piano Sonatina #3

After the Rapture - Just Me and the Cat

Libby Kardontchik, piano
Foothill Presbyterian Church

San Jose, California


May 14, 2016, 2:00pm

And You'll Live Happily After

Gen'ei no Mai (2nd Movement)

The Mousai
Valley Community Presbyterian Church

Portland, Oregon


May 22, 2016, 2:00pm

Cascadia Invokes the Muses
Cascadia Composers

Gen'ei no Mai (2nd Movement)

The Mousai
First Presbyterian Church

Portland, Oregon


June 18, 2016, 1:00pm & 6:00pm

June 25, 2016, 1:00pm & 6:00pm

The Floating Opera Company

42nd Parallel Chamber Orchestra

Quantum Mechanic

The Broadway Armory

Chicago, Illinois


August 12-13 ,2016, 8:15pm

August 26-27, 2016, 8:15pm

Fresh Voices XVI "Memories and Desires"

Rosetta's Stone

Knight Stage 3 Theatre

Lesher Center for the Arts

Walnut Creek, California


August 26-27, 2016

Opera in the Middle

Excerpts from Rosetta's Stone

Stord/Haugesund University College

Stord, Norway


November 12, 2016, 8:00PM

NACUSAsf - Composers Performance Ensemble Concert

Capricci, for flute & piano

Foothills Congregational Church

Los Altos, California


November 13, 2016, 3:00PM

NACUSAsf - Composers Performance Ensemble Concert

Capricci, for flute & piano

Good Shepherd Episcopal Church

Belmont, California


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